Tuesday 21 June 2011

what's in my bag?

the other day at work, I had a balsamic vinegar spill in my bag :/
interestingly, this is not the first one.
this forced me to take all the contents out of my bag and I thought "hmm maybe I'll blog about this."
so here it is, what' I'm carrying around...
1. a gym card. even though I do like working on my fitness, that's not even my card...
2. burt's bees chapstick. there is no other chapstick that I use. all chapsticks are inferior to burt's bees.
3. a black ipod classic on loan from mon pere.
4. a spoon and a fork. I don't normally carry utensils, however I needed them to eat my lunch that day.
5. my wayfarer's. can't live in arizona without sunglasses.
6. my moleskine planner. that thing is definitely with me, at all times. sadly you can see the balsalmic stains on the pages :/
7. french grammar notecards. I like to get my study on :)
8. a pen, so that I can mark my super important things in my super important planner.
9. earrings that I was wearing, but got sick of wearing, so I put them in my bag.
10. bobby pins because, who likes wearing their hair down? not me.
11. 2 pennies...as you can see, I'm loaded.
what do you make sure you are always carrying?

1 comment:

  1. I want to hear more about this balsamic vingigar and what it was doing in your purse.

    p.s. in vegas they used to do this EXACT same thing and it was my favorite thing to read
